- Name:Action Construction Equipment Ltd
- Products Manufactured:
Combined Harvestors,Rotavator , Tractors,Mobile Cranes , tower cranes , Compactors, Motor graders ,Forklift trucks , Back hoe loaders
- links:https://www.ace-cranes.com/

- Name:Captain Tractors Pvt Ltd
- Products Manufactured:
Tractors,M B Plough (Mould Board Plough), Reversible M B Plough, Disk Plough,Reversible Disc Plough, Ridger, Ridger (Two Body),Rotavator, Chiesel Ridger, Disk Harrow, Furrow Attachment, Cultivator, Leveler Cage Wheels,Mechanical Seed Drill ,Zero Tillage Seed Drill, Potato Planter,Blade Cultivator Height Attachment ,Fertilizer Broadcaster Spring Tyne Cultivator, Fertlizer Attachment Sprayer Pump 9 Nozzle (Boom) - Horizontal, Sprayer 8 Nozzle - Vertical,Reaper Attachment, Potato Digger, Mini Round Baler,Trailer, Tanker,Loader, Road Sweeper, Centrifugal Pump, Finishing Mover, Alternator Post Hole Digger, Chaff Cutter, Dozer
- links:https://captaintractors.com/

- Name:Kubota Agricultural Machinery India Pvt. Ltd.
- About Kubota
Kubota Agricultural Machinery India Pvt Ltd is the Indian subsidiary of Kubota Corporation, Japan which started their operations in India in Dec 2008. Kubota India believes in building and cultivating long term relations with farmers. Kubota India is expanding its network across the Indian territory touching farmers from each corner and introducing farm mechanisation and is deeply committed to the Indian markets for its development in the agricultural sector
Kubota India offers a wide range of agricultural equipment right from land preparation to transplanting & harvesting .
It's products include power tillers, tractors & Rotaries , paddy trans-planters & combined harvesters.
- links:https://www.kubota.co.in/

- Name:Preet Tractors Pvt Ltd
- Products Manufactured:
Combine Harvestors,Tractors,Backhoe Loader,Rotavator,Baler
- links:https://preet.co/
